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Best time to Visit Tanzania

Updated: May 30, 2023

Like many other travelers, you are seeking the best possible experience for your vacation in Tanzania, and timing plays a crucial role in achieving that. You may be wondering about the optimal time to visit this country.

The ideal time to visit Tanzania largely depends on your specific interests and preferences, which can be greatly influenced by the weather during your visit. While Tanzania's attractions can be visited throughout the year, the period from June to October, known as the dry season, is widely considered the best time to visit.

Why is June to October the best time to visit Tanzania?

1. Clear Skies and Sunny Days: During this period, the skies are clear, and most days are sunny, providing perfect weather for your stay.

2. Improved Wildlife Visibility: With water shortages, the vegetation weakens, making it easier to spot animals. They tend to gather around water sources, enhancing the chances of sightings during safaris.

3. Migration Highlights: The Grumeti River crossing and the Mara River crossing are two significant highlights of the migration that occur during this period.

4. Ease of Mobility: Moving around is more convenient in the dry season compared to the rainy season, as there are no mud and impassable roads.

5. Ideal for Kilimanjaro Hiking: The dry season provides favorable weather conditions and increased chances of reaching the summit when hiking Mount Kilimanjaro.

6. Fewer Mosquitoes: The dry season experiences fewer mosquitoes compared to the rainy season, reducing the risk of mosquito-borne illnesses.

7. Group Activities and Tours: It is easier to participate in group tours, group activities, and larger gatherings during this time, as many people prefer to visit Tanzania during the dry season.

8. Abundance of Activities: The dry season offers a wide range of activities and options to explore and enjoy.

Factors to consider against this period:

1. Higher Prices: Prices tend to be higher during the peak season.

2. Increased Traveler Volume: As it is the peak season, there are more tourists visiting Tanzania. If you prefer a quieter trip, you may want to consider other times.

3. Dusty Roads: The dry season can lead to dusty roads, which may be inconvenient for some travelers.

Other favorable times to visit Tanzania:

November to March:


- Expected to be dry, sunny, and less crowded, making it a great time for a visit.

- There is a low chance of short rains, which are expected in December and January.


- The great wildebeest migration herds return to the Serengeti.

- Weather fluctuates between sunny days and short rain showers to reduce dust.

- The scenery becomes greener and more beautiful.

- There is a small peak season around the festival season.

January to February:

- The great wildebeest migration calving season, where around half a million newborns are born.

- Excellent time for predator sightings.

- The scenery is green and beautiful.


- This period is uncertain, with unclear weather conditions, possibly transitioning between dry and rainy seasons.

- Near the end of the wildebeest calving season.

April to May:

This is considered the least favorable time to visit Tanzania due to the rainy season, making it difficult to move around or enjoy the sun. However, there are some advantages to this period:

- Lower rates for accommodations and activities.

- The landscape is green and beautiful.

- Migratory birds are present, offering excellent opportunities for bird watching.

- Fewer travelers, as it is the low season.

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